
This is Pour Moi (lyrics), another video episode from the new record Hellabuster by Box Codax. Directed by Jan Baumann.

The record of the intangible Box Codax presents the peculiar and young life of Hellabuster in 13 episodes. Ecstasy and tears, yours truly, Hellabuster.

Episodes: 1. Hellabuster 2. Seven Silvers 3. Radical Plains 4. Choco Pudding 5. Pour Moi 6. I Won't Come Back 7. Charade 8. Nothing More Than Anything 9. Sandy Moffat 10. Inanimate Inamorato 11. My Room 12. No Trains 13. Dawning

Purchase the album Hellabuster on itunes, or on amazon mp3 (uk/us/de/fr) or amazon physical CD (uk/us/de/fr).